Monday, September 24, 2007

Drumroll, Please.........

OH MAN! She did it again!!

Donetta gave me another present!

And JUST when I deserve it the LEAST. I've been doing nothin' but whining over here and she still blesses me.

Thank you, Dear Friend! I am humbled and honored.

And NOW, I get to pass it on to some of the stars in my sky...
Because I can't give it back to Donetta. Wish I could!
So here's my list.
1) Connie! Where would I be without your love and support?
2) DeeDee never fails to make me laugh when I am down.
3) Lizzie for being brave when life gets so tough. And for sharing her challenges with us even when it's hard to say how much things hurt.
4) Rebekah for showing herself a friend and for making me think.
AND 5) CJ at Crazy Hip Blog Mamas. It's got good friends, good info and Great contests. I appreciate her and what she does for us CHBM's.


Rebekah said...

Wow. I - I am so honored. This is just such a suprise. I want to thank the academy, my friends...
Oh, sorry. I got a little carried away. Thank you.

Fiddledeedee said...

Golly, Janean, you totally made my day! Thank you!

A Dusty Frame said...

aww;) thanks!
Sorry I missed it.