Tuesday, January 09, 2007

There's a GOOD REASON I'm a little psycho...

OK, I thought I was actually sinking into some kind of mental illness here. I have been having a real challenge with mood swings...Totally exhausted ALL the time and then, WEIRD upon WEIRD, for about the last month my tongue constantly feels like I just drank coffee that was too hot. You know, like scalded. Not really painful, just kinda irritating.

So I figure What the heck, I'll go see Dr. Buddy. Maybe he knows what's up.
And the verdict, after the blood tests is...

Severe Vitamin B12 deficiency. AKA Pernicious Anemia.
Sometimes an unfortunate side effect of Gastric Bypass surgery.

Here's the rundown of "symptoms" I found on the World Wide Web -
The first symptoms will be unusual tiredness, difficulty in breathing and dizziness. Check. I've almost blacked out several times just from standing up, but thought it was because I wasn't drinking enough water. Hmmmm.
a red, irritated and possibly shiny, tongue and a reduced sense of taste. Checkaroony.
altered or reduced sense of touch and reduced sense of vibration (an inability to feel the vibrations of a tuning fork). OK, not so much.
Irritability, personality change Ummm, YAH! I'm swinging so high on the mood scale MG has been threatening to sign me up for the space program.
Mild memory impairment, dementia Sorry, can't remember if I've had this or not! JOKE
Depression In case you missed it, I talked about that one HERE .
Psychosis I don't think I got THIS far...you'd have to ask my kids and MG.
pains in the legs (intermittent claudication), difficulties with walking and coordination will gradually occur together with muscle spasm paralysis. THANK GOD I missed that one!
shortness of breath, palpitation and chest pains. I just thought it was dehydration...not enough liquids. A couple of times my heart has gone nutso, beating really hard and flopping in my chest. Could always get it to stop. Called the doctor and they said it was probably just not enough water. Guess it was more than that.
with pernicious anaemia there is an increased danger of developing cancer of the stomach. Another hefty PRAISE GOD that I decided to go get it checked out.

Now, what am I doing about it? I have to go get SHOTS. Once a month. Yippee. But if it makes me easier to live with then I'm sure MG will CHEERFULLY drive me there...or throw me over his shoulder and carry me...barefoot, over broken glass, through fire, hogtied if necessary. JUST KIDDING! I'm not that bad...

I think..?!?
But what was that about memory impairment? Uhhhh...

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