So it's six-a-blinkin-thirty in the morning on a monday and what am I doing here?? Asking if anyone wants a dapple dachsund...Cuz my brain is now full of evil torturous things I would like to do to him after he whined ALL night. I'm surprised he didn't lose his voice! I know I would have!!
Up to get my beautiful crew off to a school they abhor. Then I need to do dishes that have stacked up over the weekend...then, Who Knows, I may go back to bed!!
Cuz I'm single and free and I can DO THAT. :D
Unless I get called for a birth...
or the neighbor needs help...
or a kid has a crisis...
or I think of some appt. I forgot...
or I find a NICE family I can pawn off a stupid dachsund on...
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