Sunday, December 28, 2008

Safe Haven

I guess I will never understand why and HOW THIS can happen.

If you can't handle always ALWAYS have the option to WALK AWAY.
or RUN. Very fast.

As much as I joke about having my Mommy License taken away, there are some people who should have theirs permanently revoked.

Unfortunately we never know who that is until it's too late.

There is a handy, dandy thing in Oregon called a Safe Haven law. You can leave your child at any health care facility, law enforcement office or fire department without fear of prosecution for abandonment.

I am a licensed EMS provider. You can abandon it with ME as well!
I'll MEET you! Anytime, public place...and I take that little pest off your hands.
Just email me at babykatcher at hotmail dot com.

PLEASE Please PLEASE don't Hurt or Kill It. It didn't do anything wrong.

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