Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Dream Job ~ Carnival Day CHBM

Today is one of my FAVORITE days of the week...the Crazy Hip Blog Mama's Carnival!

The subject for this week is to talk about my "Dream job (OTHER than motherhood)".

AND The challenge comes in when you look at the LAST part of that phrase.
Because, friends, I have Always, always, always wanted to be a mother. Ever since I can remember, babies have been my passion. It took me four years and some nasty, unpronounceable tests to become pregnant with my first one. Each year on major holidays like Mother's Day and Christmas, I would cryyyyy because I had no little one to share it with.
Now I have four little blessings.

ON to the TOPIC AT HAND...

I have discovered by process of elimination that...

Being a dinner cook in a restaurant is NOT my dream job.

Washing dishes in a restaurant is not my dream fact, it rates right down there just above dropping a bowling ball on my foot.

Packing fish is not my dream job.

Driving a semi truck cross country is not my dream job, but I DO like driving truck.

And I liked commercial fishing, but it's pretty much extinct anymore. Besides, I don't want to die...have you ever watched "Deadliest Catch?" Yah. I'd be the one that went overboard. Plus, I get seasick. It's not pretty.

Pumping RV grey- and black-water tanks is DEFINITELY not my dream job. If you don't know what grey and black water tanks are...I'm sorry, it's too yucky to describe.

Cleaning hotel rooms is not my dream job. Uh UH! I do enough cleaning as it is.

Even Reception and switchboard operations is not my dream job...even though it is pretty cushy.

I once thought I wanted to be a policewoman, a marine biologist and a pastry chef. Not all at once, you understand.

But now, I am actually realizing my dream and heading toward becoming a homebirth midwife. Right now, I can think of nothing I'd rather do with my life...

Besides being a mother, that is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very sweet :o)