Monday, March 26, 2007

Hindsight 20/20 - CWO IOW

"Every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you, the part of you that chooses, into something a little different from what it was before... either into a creature that is in harmony with God, ...or into one that is in a state of war with God. Each of us at each moment is progressing to the one state or the other."
~ C.S. Lewis ~
Mere Christianity

This week, our hostess is Christine at Fruit In Season.

I had to read this one a couple of times before I "got it", you know? A by-product of being chronically exhausted, methinks. However, the little lightbulb DID come on. I think what Mr. Lewis is trying to say, to put it simply in a language of today, is that our choices either put us WITH God (in His will) or AGAINST God. Either way, that choice will change our spirit. It will either bring us closer to Him or take us farther away from Him.

WOW, could I tell you some stories!?!?

OK, I'll pick just one. Last year about this time, I told a male friend he could come stay with the kids and I. Sent him some money for the trip over from Ohio. Yah, I know. Don't say it.

Anyway, as soon as I gave him permission, I knew in my heart it was wrong. I felt torn up, scared, unsettled. Just WRONG! But I did not have the courage to call him back and say "No, I changed my mind." I let him just come on ahead. Every one said "OH NO! What have you DONE?!?" My guts said "OH NO! What have you DONE?!?"

Long story short, everyone was right. And so were my guts. VERY bad idea. Turned into a very bad situation. I prayed for God to bail me out. He didn't...but He did give me the courage to ask that "friend" to leave after about six weeks. But it was hard to do. A poor choice that hurt my kids and hurt my family and hurt me.

Yes, it changed me inside. In many ways. I have learned that in order to protect my family, I MUST listen to what He tells me to do. In order to be happy, I MUST listen. It made me realize what a self-destructive path I was on.

By God's grace, I'll remember those lessons for the rest of my life.


Miriam Pauline said...

Sometimes the lessons we remember the longest are the ones that were the most painful to experience. I am glad you can see the lesson in what God allowed from your choices. I pray that I can do the same when God allows me to experience the consequences of my "me decisions." Blessings to you!

Denise said...

Thanks for sharing your heart, bless you.

Terri | Sugar Free Glow said...

I make wrong decisions all the time and it's that gut wrenching "Uh oh!" feeling that confirms it. Thank you God for being so merciful!

Crystal said...

I know what you mean..sometimes we make it so difficult for ourselves...if we would just listen to that still small voice but God can use any situation and turn it into something good. Thanks for sharing!

Delete said...


I absolutely agree! I had a different experience where I chose not to listen to God but my realizations were the same-"in order to protect my family, I MUST listen to what He tells me to do." We need to trust in Him for as he tells us, "I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 29:11

Christine said...

Wow, I'm glad you finally had the courage to ask him to leave. I had a similar situation in college with a roommate from work. He didn't pay the rent, ran up the phone bill- just shows how naive I was in wanting to help. Listening to those gut feelings (the H.S.) is so important!

Cyndi said...

God does allow us to go through extremely difficult things that He doesn't immediately "bail" us out of, and I think it's for the reason you posted: "By God's grace, I'll remember those lessons for the rest of my life." I'm so glad it all worked out, and that you are so faithfully listening for His voice. God bless you and your family!

Becky said...

Rarely do we learn by the things we do right. In fact, I think wisdom comes from lessons learned when we make mistakes. God bless you.