Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ambrosia Yummy!

Today's Recipe Rally over at The Awesome and Wonderful C.H.B.M site is all about SALAD.

Now, you'll have to excuse me. I don't usually DO salad. Mainly because it's, like...uhhh, GREEN and GOOD FOR YOU. Sometimes I have one smothered in Ranch dressing. But, then, sometimes I have EVERYTHING smothered in Ranch dressing. LOL!!

Seriously, I have a couple of good recipes for Hot Chicken Salad (which is really more of a casserole) and German potato salad (which I didn't like because it had vinegar in it.) But those recipes are at home...and we ALL know where I USUALLY am when I blog. :D

And I can't give you my secret recipe for the Learned Family Potatoe Salad ala' Mustard. Cuz it's a secret! And then I'd have to kill you all.
Actually, truth be told - We don't have a recipe. We just throw a bunch of "potato-salad-like" ingredients into a bowl and stir it up with enough mustard to make it the appropriate color.

SOOOOOooooo, we are down to my very last salad recipe. I usually just go to the store, buy a bunch of cans, make a pass through the dairy and freezer sections and get what I need for this salad. It'll set you back about $12 but it makes enough to feed about 10 people.

It's also a really popular recipe...so don't be surprised if you see another variation of it on another Recipe Rally Blogger's site. It's just that good!!

We call it...

Get a BIG bowl. Like that one you make the 22 dozen cookies in. Yah, That one!
And a spoon. Ready?
Open these cans in no specific order... But DON'T dump them in yet. Just open them.

(sizes are approximate)
1 13-oz can of pineapple chunks
1 13-oz can of manarin orange segments (or two little 7-oz ones)
1 26-oz can of fruit cocktail
(**Note - I have used sliced bananas and chunked up an apple or two to add, but if you do this you will need to save the juice out of the pineapple can and toss the banana and cut apple in that juice to keep them from turning brown.)

Take these cans to the sink and drain the juice (unless you're using the pineapple juice for the above noted purpose). Then empty the cans into the bowl.

1 cup of flaked or shredded coconut
1/2 a cup of sour cream
3-4 cups of mini marshmallows (to taste :D)
and 1 tub of thawed Kool Whip.

Fold it all up together. Keep refridgerated.
That's how I make it. Hope ya' like it!


Karianne said...

Grub! You are making me hungry. I've vowed to stay away from sugar and alcohol until Easter because I'm not noticing any results from working out like a fiend before my prom. Now, I just made this decision today, after I ate 2 butterhorns, so we'll see how I do!

I'm gonna need the chicken salad recipe as it sounds super interesting!

The Drama Mama said...

Oooo....Yummy! Sounds like my kind of salad!