Saturday, August 16, 2014

CB radios...

Yes, I know....I got it from FaceBook.
It just brought back some memories.  I used to love it when we were out commercial fishing and dad would let me talk on the radio!  Listening to my Gramma and Grampa do their morning exchange after he launched and she got back to the house.
"Alley Cat?"
"Little Skipper"
"Alright!"   Checking to make sure he made it through the surf and she made it home.  Every day.
And as a truckdriver, this thing has saved my life multiple times.
Not to mention avoiding a few tickets, helping keep me awake and meeting some guardian angels. Like back in 1989, a driver named Scott pulling triples who ran with me from Cottage Grove all the way north to Portland on my first solo run to help me stay awake. I so wish I could let him know how much those few hours meant to me and I hope God has paid him back many times over.
It has also been the bane of my existence when my ex would tweek-n-peak CB's in the garage and the neighbors came banging on the door hollering that he was bleeding over on their home electronics - or he'd make someone so angry with his foul mean words that they were looking for our house when I had four small children.
Amazing how one picture of a piece of electronic equipment can send my brain wandering...

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