Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Maybe I'm a little paranoid...

If someone hurts your heart over and over again...
If someone says "I'm sorry" but makes a pattern of the same behavior...
If someone tries to avoid talking to you in front of his best friend...
If someone says he can't make the trip to see you but partied four out of the last seven nights...
If you watched someone destroying themselves and losing control of themselves so often, Respect was almost nonexistent...

and then said he loved you, would YOU believe him?

Maybe I'm just paranoid...I don't know...


Donetta said...

Oh girl so sorry to hear that your being treated so poorly. You deserve better. Do not settle!
Nice to see you out there. I was thinking of you the other day.
Hope all is well beyond that a...persons antics

Anonymous said...

As of right now. and all the hurt and fear I caused before. I can only say that I am sorry. I know my habits have caused this. and I agree with Donetta. No you do not deserve this but you DO deserve so much better. I know you called me your knight in shining armor. and all I would reply with is maybe a Knight but missing most of my armor, and those pieces still here are tarnished. I pray that your heart heals soon and that you CAN find a better knight than me. I love you and hope and pray you get someone better. Don't give up.