Friday, January 25, 2008

Realize a blessing

My momma.
Sometimes she drives me insane. Sometimes she hurts my feelings without meaning to. She has announced several times to all attending that I am a terrible mother.

But I love her with all my heart. She has health problems and she doesn't mean what she says. She is my best friend and the person I want when I get scared.

So I called her today to tell her how the Ultrasound went. Of course, the technician can't tell you anything so I have to wait till Tuesday to find out anything. Although I am relatively calm, I have my moments.
We talked and prayed together. She made me promise to read Psalm 142. Because it looked "happy". And I said "yes, Mom."
Knowing I probably wouldn't have time.

But I found the time just after the girls went to bed. And next to that chapter in my Women's Devotional Bible 2 (you know, the pink one) there was this poem and my heart just got SO blessed!! I had to sit down and share it with you.

By Ann Weems
If I could, I'd write for you a rainbow
And splash it with all the colors of God
And hang it in the window of your being
So that each new God's morning
Your eyes would open first to Hope and Promise.
If I could, I'd wipe away your tears
And hold you close forever in Shalom.
But God never promised
I could write a rainbow,
Never promised I could suffer for you,
Only promised I could love you.
That I do.

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