Sunday, April 29, 2007

Angie the Ant FUN

I don't talk about them much but I really enjoy visiting the twins at Five Minutes for Mom. They get to work together, have little ones close to the same age AND they are both pregnant right now. How wonderful it must be to have a sister and friend all wrapped up in one!
They are hosting a drawing for an Angie the Ant prize pack.

"We are giving away one limited edition set of Angie the Ant and The Bumblebee Tree with a stuffed plush Angie. Each set is signed and numbered, and only 150 exist! (This limited edition set, along with individual copies of the book and Angie the Ant apparel, are sold through their OFFICIAL Angie the Ant Website. 50% of the profit of this limited edition set is donated to Prevent Child Abuse America.)

If you want to win this limited edition set, just leave a comment before 12:30pm Eastern, Tuesday May 1st. We will announce the winner Tuesday afternoon."

Preventing Child Abuse is something we ALL wish we could help now's your chance!

1 comment:

Karianne said...

My sis and I work together as well and it is a dream. I don't think that would have been the case if we would have pregnant at the same time though!