Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Friend in need of PRAYER!

Heather and her family really need prayers right now! So if you happen to stop by and see this, please lift them up. Her little girl (Emma Grace - above) is a heart transplant patient and has other health issues, as well. She is in ICU as of this afternoon...and ANY illness is serious, in this situation.
Thank you!!


Rebekah said...

I dont mind if you copy my post. Nifty coincidence with the '13'

Unknown said...

I will be sending lots of prayers and peaceful thoughts their way ~ I feel so silly for being so upset with a little stomach flu when I am reminded about people who are truly sick and need my prayers. I hope that things go well ~

Thanks for stopping by earlier - I know that labor's right around the cornor...but contractions and puking? UGH! My 2 least favorite things in the world! (Well...I guess I probably dislike some things as much, but it would certainly stink!)