Saturday, December 30, 2006

Question of the century...

Courtesy of my little #4...

From the backseat (thank GOODNESS, so she couldn't see that "Deer in the headlights" look that mother's get when they get asked a question that requires "creative thought")

"Mooooom, Does Jesus live at the North Pole?"



No, dear. But Jesus' friend Saint Nicholas lives there!
Jesus lives in Heaven now with His Daddy, God.

Then I sit cringing in fear...what question is coming next?

#4 - "Ok, Mommy. Thanks!"


1 comment:

Chaotic Mom said...

That is SO CUTE! I know you've posted this on your blog. Are you keeping a running account of these cute things on a word doc or somewhere else? It would be really neat to print them out later, too, all together in one place. ;)

You came up with a GREAT response. Way to go!