Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Christmas Program

You know, I thought the whole Christmas program was a great idea.
We haven't had a "Christmas Program" in years in our town due to "budget cuts". But this year, some enterprising parents got together and decided we needed one. A wonderful lady with the patience of Job (hereafter referred to as "Job-ette") volunteered to lead it.

Now, I don't know how many kids attend our local elementary school (K - 5) but I'd take a wild stab at about 250. I had a momentary lapse in sanity and thought, "HEY, I'll go help my daughter's 3rd grade teacher herd her class to the practice Monday morning."

And I don't know how many of you have ever been in a high school gymnasium with 250 elementary age kids at one time with one adult per every 25 kids, but it can get pretty loud.

After about an hour and a half, I had to leave. The teacher looked at me and said "GEE, you REALLY don't wanna STAY? HMMMM?"

I think she was being sarcastic.

That night, for the actual program Monday night, it was mahem. Standing room only. Parked about 5 blocks away. 250 kids with at least one parent, some grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins.

OK, this was a BIIIIIIG deal in backwater NorthWest Oregon, ya'll! I thought there was going to be a fist fight when the kindergarten class started singing and there were so many adults standing on the sidelines that unless your Kinder was on the top two bleachers, he or she could not be seen. I heard a couple parents yelling at the standees to "SIT DOWN PLEASE! WE can't SEE!"
Thank God it was quick. The little five-year-olds only did 2 songs.


It actually made me kind of misty...to think my baby kid will be up there with them next year.

That is, if anyone has the GUTS to try to gather about 700 people in the high school gym again next year.

Another thing that amazed me was that people were constantly TALKING!
While the kids were singing...
While the little fifth grade narrators were talking...
While Job-ette was trying to announce...

And can you BELIEVE I actually turned my head to the left and said "SHHHHHHH!" one time...
like ANYONE in that group of 500 adults was going to listen to ME!
I still can't believe I did that. What was I thinking? Too many years as a mommy, I guess.
Do I have delusions of grandeur or what?

And to Job-ette's credit, she didn't let all the visiting bug her! She just cranked up the microphone, fired up her little portable CD player, flung her arms wide and directed the 200 "not-kindergarteners" in about 5 more songs; Three of which were done in rounds!

I was awed and amazed. I wanted to shake her hand after the production, but ended up standing in line for 30 minutes to see Santa (he had black duct tape around barn boots...but he had kind eyes).

Besides, some of the other parents loaded Job-ette up with so many flowers, she couldn't hold them all! She wouldn't have had a free hand to shake. And let me tell you, she deserved every single stem.
The teachers deserve lots of credit, as well. Each teacher practiced with his/her class every single day. Those kids knew the words to those songs BACKWARD and foreward! Hand motions, too.

And the thing that endeared me forever to Job-ette was this...
During practice Monday morning, her little boy (about 4) was there. This little blonde kid in a red sweatshirt followed her every step she took. Rolled on the floor behind her where I was sure she would step back right onto him and fall. A couple of times, he locked both his arms around her thigh and held on for dear life as she was desperately trying to direct 150 feet of bleachers full of 250 elementary school kids.
You know how little ones are when they feel they need attention...and 250 other people have that attention.
Finally, another parent peeled him off her and took him to the far corner of the gym.

But not once did she speak crossly to him or thump him upside his head or grit her teeth and give him that "Knock it off or I'm going to kill you when we get home" look.

Wanted to give her a round of applause just for that!

Job-ette, you're my hero. You Rock.

And that Christmas program was one of the greatest things I've ever seen. I had my doubts...but Job-ette, the teachers, the helper-parents and our principal created a Christmas miracle. Thank you!!

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, hear that roar of applause in the distance...


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