Saturday, December 16, 2006

ABC's - Blogger style

Found this over at Chili's...and I'm bored again. :D

It's don't have to read it.

A - Available or single: LOADED QUESTION! I'm technically single (well, almost. Divorce final soon) My heart belongs to MG...And I'm available to meet friends for shopping, coffee, giggles...
B - Best Friend: MG, T
C - Cake or Pie: Don't long as it's CHOCOLATE. OK, maybe I like pie a little better.
D - Drink of choice: Coffee, coffee, coffee, latte', mocha...Ooops, sorry, get carried away.

E - Essential Item you use everyday: Yep, the computer. I can live one day without it...but ONLY one.

F - Favorite color: PURPLE. :D
G - Gummy Bears or worms: If I HAD To pick (Ack!) I'd pick worms.
H - Hometown: Cloverdale, OR is where I was born and raised.
I - Indulgence: Getting my nails done. That...and Coffee.
J - January or February: January is BAD. So February would have to be my choice. #1 turns 13 and February is Valentines Day and School Carnival. I guess that's good. Kinda.
K - Kids & Names: Four kids, no names on here, SO-rry.

L - Life is Incomplete Without: My kids and my relationship with Christ.
M - Marriage Date: I'd rather not relive that...
N - Number of Siblings: Three younger sisters
O - Oranges or Apples: Apples...kinda like Fuji's
P - Phobias or Fears: Not fond of the dark...but no matter what I am "afraid" of, you always have to be brave when you are a Mom. If the kids are freaking over a bug or something, you have to go in with a macho-face and "take care of the problem". Then you can gross out later...
Q - Fave Quote: Sorry for the language...but it's funny.
One brave thing a day...step out, take a chance, do a good deed, help someone. And keep it a joy all to yourself.
R - Reason to Smile: My blogger friends, A roof over my head, my kids are fed, MG, Christmas, My parents, chocolate, coffee, NOT weighing 405 lb.s anymore...OH WAIT! Was I only supposed to list one thing?
S - Season: Fall. My birthday, cooler days but still good weather, School starts.
T - Tag 3 or 4 people: I don't think that many people read my blog! :D
U - Unknown Fact about Me: I think I've pretty much spilled my guts here...The only thing I can think of that I might not have said before is that I have no back teeth on the upper left jaw. Attractive, huh?
V- Vegetable You Don't Like: PEAS...And I don't do brussel sprouts, cuz they're like GIANT peas. And spinach and asparagus...cuz they TASTE like peas.
W - Worst Habit: Sticking my head in the sand and ignoring something difficult to deal with.
X - X-rays: I've had 43 different varieties of X-rays...surprised I don't glow in the dark. I do have a copy of a film of my #1 when I was pregnant with him. His little skeleton curled up inside my big one.
Y - Your Fave Food: Italian. and chocolate. and coffee...
Z - Zodiac Sign: I ain't all big on astrological stuff, but I'm a Libra. Signified by a scale. Balance, justice, in "don't rock my boat, man!"
Ok, that killed a little time. Thanks, Chilihead!

1 comment:

Connie said...

i'll do it, you can tag me... but not gonna get to it today :)